call 289-238-9979 to book your tour
Welcome to the Shawn & Ed Brewing Company. Our story is forged in friendship and started more than 25 years ago at the McMaster University Campus here in Hamilton, Ontario where two friends shared a dream to one day open a brewery. Flash forward to the summer of 2013 at Shawn Till's annual cottage gathering with fellow friends and McMaster alumni which included his partner in crime, Ed Madronich. With the two of of them sitting by the lake, beers in hand, they knew the time had come to bring their dream to life.​
Authenticity and quality were as important then as it is now. This meant no short cuts and taking our time to find the perfect location to brew the best possible beer. When the old Dundas Curling and Skating Rink went up for sale, there was no question that they had found the perfect location. What Canadian wouldn’t want to put a brewery inside an old curling and skating rink? This building has a tremendous amount of character and history and our mission was to restore as much of it as possible. We wanted the Shawn & Ed Brewing Company to bring the building’s rich history back to life.
​With a building this age came a great deal of restoration of the historic landmark that it is and preserving this was so important in keeping with our promise of authenticity and quality. What this whole dream was based on though, was great tasting beer. To that end, we at The Shawn & Ed Brewing Company strive to produce the best possible beer using natural ingredients and brewing with great care and craftsmanship. For us, opening a brewery has not only been a passion project but also the pinnacle of our friendship. We want to share a classic brew that everyone can enjoy with their a friend; a beer that’s Forged in Friendship.