We strive to produce the best possible beer using carefully selected ingredients and brewing with great care and craftsmanship. Our beer is Forged In Friendship and we want to share delicious craft brews that everyone can appreciate with their friends. The focus has always and will always be, on quality not quantity. In all of our brews we use four natural ingredients but it’s our distinct and unique recipes that make our beer stand out. We aim to create something for everyone to enjoy.
LagerShed Original The Big Large 473 mL Aluminum
ABV 5.2% IBU 18 An elegant pilsner that's crafted using natural ingredients. In the glass it's a yellow gold color with moderate head. Clean aromas of cracker, malt, dried grass, citrus and fresh hops. The mouth feel is crisp and balanced, showing flavors of malt, light fruit with grassy, citrus and herb tones on the pleasantly bitter finish.
473 ml
4 x 473 ml
24 x 473 ml

LagerShed Original 330 mL Vintage Glass Bottles
ABV 5.2% IBU 18 An elegant pilsner that's crafted using natural ingredients. In the glass it's a yellow gold color with moderate head. Clean aromas of cracker, malt, dried grass, citrus and fresh hops. The mouth feel is crisp and balanced, showing flavors of malt, light fruit with grassy, citrus and herb tones on the pleasantly bitter finish.
6 X 330 ml
24 X 330 ml

LagerShed Light 330 mL Vintage Glass Bottles
ABV 4.0% IBU 22 Using simple and clean ingredients, this lighter version of our lager pours a pale straw colour with a lacy head; On the nose, soft cereal and apple aromas lead the way. The flavour is light with lively carbonation and classic lager flavours. 6 x 330 mL $13.95 24 x 330 mL $47.45
6 X 330 ml
24 X 330 ml

LagerShed Dark 330 mL Vintage Glass Bottles
ABV 5.5% IBU 29 A dark lager that's crafted using all-natural ingredients. Dark, almost black colour with a thick head. Aromas of roasted nuts, caramel, spice, chocolate and herb lead to a rich, creamy but not heavy brew. A malty sweetness is balanced by pleasant hoppy bitterness and flavours of dark fruit, toffee, light coffee and smoky spice. 6 x 330 mL $13.95 24 x 330 mL $47.45
6 X 330 ml
24 X 330 ml

BarrelShed Amber 330 mL Vintage Glass Bottles
ABV 6.5% IBU 37 A noticeable deep amber to ruby colour with a dense off-white head. Consistent front to finish hopping with some pine, citrus rind, nectarine & grass flavours. This brew is balanced by a biscuit-like malt body with hints of toffee & caramel and a pleasant fruitiness from the yeast. A slight alcohol warmth and a light residual sweetness with a moderately dry finish. 6 x 330 mL $14.95 24 x 330 mL $50.85
6 X 330 ml
24 X 330 ml

Anvil Ale - 4-Pack - Online Only
ABV 5.5% 43 IBU A classic copper ale where the malt sweetness of the crystal malt is slightly overwhelmed by the cascade hoppiness. The finish is smooth and dry. A classic pale ale with the citrus of American finishing hops. Dark orange-amber in colour. Gentle, spicy aroma od cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg. Classic, caramel malt body and soft carbonation which attempts to cover the strength of this strong ale. Moderate hopping with Newport hops (28 IBU) provides a sipper that is dangerously smooth! 4 X 650mL bottles

Hop Right In - 4 pack Online Only 650ml bottles
5.5% ABV 30 IBU Tavistock Hopyard has provided us with an Ontario grown version of New Zealand Rakau hop from their 2020 harvest that was picked, chopped and spread over the wort in our wooden foudre. This is a unique wet hop style that is deep in colour, body and has a very distinctive tropical fruit and candy hop flavour. Finishes with a light smooth bitterness.

Got Your Bock 4-Pack - Online Only
ABV 7.2% IBU 19 You made it through 2020 and we've Got Your Bock in 2021. Our bock has a comforting sweet and toasty aroma following through with a rich malt character and peppery hop flavour. Smooth and clean, this bock will warm your spirits and welcome in a new year.

Black Cherry Lager
ABV 5.5% IBU 29 With subtle hints of dark cherries and chocolate, our Dark Cherry Lager is full-bodied and easy drinking. This dark lager has a rich caramel colour with ruby highlights. The richness of flavour from the biscuit and chocolate malts is complimented by the suggestion of dark cherries without the added sweetness.

The Game Time Combo
2 X 4 Pack (473mL) Lagershed Original 2 Flagship Beer Pies LagerShed Original LagerShed Light LagerShed Dark BarrelShed Amber Ale Please specify which 2 pizza's you would like, in the comment section when checking out. (any combination of the 4 above)
LagerShed Original Beer Pie
LagerShed Dark Beer Pie
LagerShed Light Beer Pie
BarrelShed Amber Ale Beer Pie

The Ultimate Combo
We have put together the ULTIMATE COMBO for you: - 6-pack of LagerSHED Original - 6-pack of LagerSHED Light - 6-pack of LagerSHED Dark - 6-pack of BarrelSHED Amber Ale - PLUS the accompanying Beer Pie for each brew We created these 4 pizzas to compliment each brew specifically. You can be the judge to see how well we did. Let us know by tagging us on Instagram @lagershed. That’s 24 bottles of our core beers and 4 delicious Beer Pies. $99

We have fired up our pizza oven and have beer pies on the menu. Place your order online or call the brewery at 289-238-9979. We will fire the pizza when you arrive for pick-up. *Please note: Pizza's not eligible for delivery at this point. Please pick up order at brewery.
The Daily Special Beer Pie
Chef Marion's Daily Special Guaranteed to safisty your hunger! $18.00 + tax

LagerSHED Original Beer Pie
san marazano tomato & fresh basil sauce, mickey mcguire's mozzarella, cacciatore sausage, roasted red peppers, crumbled feta cheese, finished with fresh basil 10 inch I $15 + tax take-out and curbside pick-up only

LagerSHED Light Beer Pie
walnut basil pesto, mickey mcguire's goat cheese, kalamata olives, finished with lemon zest and maldon sea salt. 10 in I $15 + tax take-out and curbside pick-up only

LagerSHED Dark Beer Pie
san marazano tomato & fresh basil sauce, mickey mcguire's mozzarella, portobello mushrooms, mortadella, finished with parmesan shards and garlic oil. 10 in I $15 + ta take-out and curbside pick-up only

BarrelSHED Amber Ale Beer Pie
san marazano tomato & fresh basil sauce, mickey mcguire's mozzarella, proscuitto, honey crisp apple chunks, crumbled blue cheese and caramelized onions 10 in I $15 + tax take-out and curbside pick-up only

The Game Time Combo
2 X 4 Pack (473mL) Lagershed Original 2 Flagship Beer Pies LagerShed Original LagerShed Light LagerShed Dark BarrelShed Amber Ale Please specify which 2 pizza's you would like, in the comment section when checking out. (any combination of the 4 above)
LagerShed Original Beer Pie
LagerShed Dark Beer Pie
LagerShed Light Beer Pie
BarrelShed Amber Ale Beer Pie

The Ultimate Combo
We have put together the ULTIMATE COMBO for you: - 6-pack of LagerSHED Original - 6-pack of LagerSHED Light - 6-pack of LagerSHED Dark - 6-pack of BarrelSHED Amber Ale - PLUS the accompanying Beer Pie for each brew We created these 4 pizzas to compliment each brew specifically. You can be the judge to see how well we did. Let us know by tagging us on Instagram @lagershed. That’s 24 bottles of our core beers and 4 delicious Beer Pies. $99

A growler is a glass container used to transport beer from our brewery to your home. It can be refilled anytime with any your favourite Shawn & Ed Brewing Co. beers. Growlers ensure your beer stays fresh and maintains its quality when you take it home. We offer a variety of our beers in two sizes: a 64oz Growler or a smaller 32oz Squealer. Please Note: Our Growlers are not eligible for Delivery GROWLER PRICING IS BASED ON PURCHASE OF GROWLER $5.00
ABV 5.2% IBU 18 An elegant pilsner that's crafted using natural ingredients. In the glass it's a yellow gold color with moderate head. Clean aromas of cracker, malt, dried grass, citrus and fresh hops. The mouth feel is crisp and balanced, showing flavors of malt, light fruit with grassy, citrus and herb tones on the pleasantly bitter finish.

ABV 4.0% IBU 22 Using simple and clean ingredients, this lighter version of our lager pours a pale straw colour with a lacy head. On the nose, soft cereal and apple aromas lead the way. The flavour is light with lively carbonation and classic lager flavours.

ABV 5.5% IBU 29 A dark lager that's crafted using all-natural ingredients. Dark, almost black colour with a thick head. Aromas of roasted nuts, caramel, spice, chocolate and herb lead to a rich, creamy but not heavy brew. A malty sweetness is balanced by pleasant hoppy bitterness and flavours of dark fruit, toffee, light coffee and smoky spice.

ABV 6.5% IBU 37 A noticeable deep amber to ruby colour with a dense off-white head. Consistent front to finish hopping with some pine, citrus rind, nectarine & grass flavours. This brew is balanced by a biscuit-like malt body with hints of toffee & caramel and a pleasant fruitiness from the yeast. A slight alcohol warmth and a light residual sweetness with a moderately dry finish.

5.5% ABV 30 IBU Tavistock Hopyard has provided us with an Ontario grown version of New Zealand Rakau hop from their 2020 harvest that was picked, chopped and spread over the wort in our wooden foudre. This is a unique wet hop style that is deep in colour, body and has a very distinctive tropical fruit and candy hop flavour. Finishes with a light smooth bitterness.

ABV 5.5% IBU 43 A classic copper ale where the malt sweetness of the crystal malt is slightly overwhelmed by the cascade hoppiness. The finish is smooth and dry. A classic pale ale with the citrus of American finishing hops.

ABV 7.2% IBU 19 You made it through 2020 and we've Got Your Bock in 2021. Our bock has a comforting sweet and toasty aroma following through with a rich malt character and peppery hop flavour. Smooth and clean, this bock will warm your spirits and welcome in a new year.

ABV% 5.5 IBU 29 With subtle hints of dark cherries and chocolate, our Black Cherry Lager is full-bodied and easy drinking. This dark lager has a rich caramel colour with ruby highlights. The richness of flavour from the biscuit and chocolate malts is complimented by the suggestion of dark cherries without the added sweetness.